
Top Floor accessible

The basic insulating module for the simple insulation of the top floor


General advantages

  • top thermal insulation values
  • outstanding protection against heat
  • sustainable recycling product
  • no hauling of insulating material
  • fast and clean
  • no wastage, no joints
  • attic does not have to be completely cleared out
  • attic remains accessible

Insulation is always a gain

There is no other part of the building where so much energy can be safed with so little effort!
With an insulation thickness of 32 cm (on a area of 100 m²) you can save 530 litres of fuel oil per year!


Installation procedure

  1. 01


    The WoodyFIX elements are delivered bundled together in packages on pallets. They are handily portioned so that they can be transported up to the attic with no great effort. Simply stick the mo-dules together where you need them.
    The insulation of the top floor is legally prescribed in Austria with a thermal insulation value (U-value) of at least 0.2 W/m²K and in Germany with 0.24 W/m²K.

  2. 02

    Set up modules

    Set up the modules at a centre-centre distance of approx. 80 cm. Then place the 4/6 laths into the cut-outs provided (without screwing).

  3. 03

    Laying the floor boards

    Lay the floor boards and fix them. With an 18 mm OSB wood-based panel, the construction is an accessible system with a very high load capacity.

  4. 04


    Afterwards the construction is filled with the ISOCELL cellulose.


Solution in detail

Component section

1) OSB 3 board
2) WoodyFIX basic module
3) ISOCELL cellulose insulation
4) Vapour retarder (AIRSTOP SD18)
5) Concrete floor

Plan view

Technical data

Building material Layer thickness (mm) λ W/m K Fire class (EN)
OSB 3 board 18 0,13 D
WoodFIX basic module 160 0,13 D
ISOCELL cellulose insulation 160 0,038 / 0,039 (D) B-s2,d0
Concrete floor 200 2,33 A1
Thickness of insulation material (mm) Insulation material density (kg/m³) *GWP (kg CO2 äqv./m²) PHI (Phase shift in hours) U-Value (W/m²k)
220 46 37,84 13,2 0,17
260 48 35,68 14,9 0,145
320 50 32,26 17,3 0,12
360** 52 29,7 19,1 0,107
400** 52 27,63 20,6 0,097

* GWP Total (Global Warming Potential)
** WoodyFIX is available in the construction thicknesse160, 220, 230,  320 and 400 mm – naturally we also supply other thicknesses on request


House in Palting

The potential for an energetic improvement of the Moser family’s large house in Palting was recognised and tackled. The WoodyFIX elements were brought into the attic and stuck together and the OSB boards were attached. Afterwards the hollow space was filled with ISOCELL cellulose.

St. Marien elementary school in Weichstetten

The district of St. Marien chose the WoodyFIX system for the insulation of the attic of its elementary school. Apart from the use of an ecological insula-ting material – St. Marien is a ‘climate protection district’ – a deciding factor was that the attic remains usable as an accessible area. With the insulation of the top floor the elementary school in St. Marien now saves 42 % heating energy.