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Cellulose insulation

Building site procedure

Cellulose is blown in, not packed. No material drag, no waste.


Naturally efficient

Cellulose is blown in, not packed. No material drag, no waste. One and the same product for floor, wall and ceiling and for any insulation thickness. This not only saves time and money but also ensures a better quality result when insulating.

The installation specialist comes with his truck to the construction site and brings everything he needs: blowing machine and cellulose fibres. The builder, carpenter or drywall constructor has already prepared everything for him. The blowing machine remains on the truck and is filled there with cellulose. The specialist brings the blowing hose to the desired position and work starts. The machine is operated in the truck via radio control. The cellulose fibres are matted in the construction to form a jointless insulation mat. Whether it is floor, ceiling or wall - it is always one and the same product.