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Airtightness systems

Check airtightness

Draughts are banned. A well-designed building skin is like a down jacket: there is an outer and an inner layer and in between is the insulation.

Energy Saving & Cost Efficiency
Up to 60 % of the energy loss in even well-insulated houses is caused by leaks in the building’s skin. Cold air enters through these gaps and cracks. This cold air must be re-heated by the heating. A well-designed construction skin does not only protect from the cold, but also from the heat in summer, due to the improved thermal insulation.

Draughts are banned
The proverbial ‘tornado from the socket’ has considerable impact on the comfort in a room. As the cold air sucked in at the leaks is heavier, it moves to the lowest part of the room, namely to the floor. Even a good insulation value to the cellar does not help when air from outside enters through cracks. Not even insulation materials can stand draughts! Tests have shown that air or wind currents in a construction element can lead to a complete failure of the insulation’s effect.

Protection from severe damage through condensation
When warm air meets cold areas, condensation results. Anyone who has ever taken a cold bottle out of the refrigerator knows this. Condensed water in a construction leads at first to a deterioration of the U-value. However, a far greater problem is the serious damage to the construction, which results if the moisture cannot dry out sufficiently quickly. It is estimated that two thirds of all damage from moisture can be attributed to poor air-tightness.

A considerable improvement in air quality
Leaky gaps in the building’s skin put a strain on the indoor climate as dust and insulation fibres enter into the air. A building has to be particularly air-tight when mechanical ventilation systems are used. Otherwise the function of the ventilation equipment is affected.

Noise stays outside
Noise makes its way through even the smallest crack. Even when building components surrounding the room have good acoustic insulation, gaps can considerably increase the sound level. Disturbing noises are kept outside by a professional air-tight system.